

Cummins Community Garden Group

As a non-profit organisation, the Cummins Community Garden Group seek to strengthen health and wellbeing in their community through programs that focus on healthy eating and physical activity.

To support the project, the Kellogg Australia Charitable Foundation has purchased durable tables and bench seats to help with the development of an inclusive space and aid in community mental health and wellbeing. This new gathering space will enable more programs to be delivered that teach sustainable practices including gardening workshops on wicking beds, grafting of fruit trees, pruning of bushes and trees and community cooking gatherings such as Pizza Nights.

Country Life Compassion

KACF has also provided volunteering organisation, Country Life Compassion with the right training for the volunteers working with vulnerable community members. This will better equip them to support disadvantaged and socially isolated community members, which will strengthen the delivery of the emergency relief food programs and family support programs.